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All about the beautiful language we all love and care for! This category is for JavaScript and different nuances in the JavaScript programming language.

Largest Palindrome Product Cover

Largest Palindrome Product

This is a somewhat common interview question that asks the following. Consider there is an array holding sorted numbers in an established range. For our example, we’ll propose numbers ranging from 1 to 100. No duplicate elements are allowed. Also, there is only one element missing. What is that element? Or to rephase it – how to find the missing number in a given integer array?

Largest Prime Factor Cover

Largest Prime Factor

This is a somewhat common interview question that asks the following. Consider there is an array holding sorted numbers in an established range. For our example, we’ll propose numbers ranging from 1 to 100. No duplicate elements are allowed. Also, there is only one element missing. What is that element? Or to rephase it – how to find the missing number in a given integer array?

Even Fibonacci Numbers Cover Image

Even Fibonacci Numbers

This is a somewhat common interview question that asks the following. Consider there is an array holding sorted numbers in an established range. For our example, we’ll propose numbers ranging from 1 to 100. No duplicate elements are allowed. Also, there is only one element missing. What is that element? Or to rephase it – how to find the missing number in a given integer array?

Multiples of 3 and 5 Cover

Multiples of 3 or 5

This is a somewhat common interview question that asks the following. Consider there is an array holding sorted numbers in an established range. For our example, we’ll propose numbers ranging from 1 to 100. No duplicate elements are allowed. Also, there is only one element missing. What is that element? Or to rephase it – how to find the missing number in a given integer array?

Find the Missing number in range Cover Image

How to find the missing number in a given integer array of 1 to 100?

This is a somewhat common interview question that asks the following. Consider there is an array holding sorted numbers in an established range. For our example, we’ll propose numbers ranging from 1 to 100. No duplicate elements are allowed. Also, there is only one element missing. What is that element? Or to rephase it – how to find the missing number in a given integer array?

JS Generators Cover

JavaScript generators

Generators are yet another addition to the JS standard introduced in the ES6 edition of the language. Generators are a new addition to JavaScript, although they have been existing in other programming languages such as Python, PHP, and C#. What is a generator? Generators are… Read More »JavaScript generators

This and Arguments in JS

Using this and arguments

Apart from parameters being explicitly defined inside the function definition, there are two additional silent parameters getting passed down to the function itself. These silent parameters are called implicit parameters: this and arguments. They are not listed in the signature of any function but can… Read More »Using this and arguments